Derrick Rose has arrived.
Not just because of his outstanding effort in the opening game of the 2009 playoffs but because he is, like so many other NBA stars, in the 'Two Name' club.
I have noticed over the recent seasons an inordinate number of ‘Elite Level’ basketball players with what is commonly known as ‘two first names’, or the Craig David effect, where a person’s surname is recognised as also being a renowned first name.
Purely for fun, (ignoring all historical and sociological reasoning behind this)I have compiled a list of the current NBA players with ‘two first names’, with results suggesting a direct result between the league's current elite. Perhaps even the more common the last name used as a first name, the greater the players ability. I have not compiled any scientific evidence, I just thought it was interesting.
I have broken the players into levels according to ability and type of name.
Rose is currently slotted somewhere below Michael Jordan and Isaiah Thomas, but above Shaun Bradley. He is the namesake of the Womens Division.
What’s in a name?

Elite Michael Jordan Status
Carmelo Anthony
Tim Duncan
Dwight Howard
Lebron James
Chris Paul
Dwayne Wade

All stars Isiah Thomas Status
Ray Allen
Vince Carter
Josh Howard
Richard Jefferson
Rashard Lewis
Kevin Martin
Paul Pierce
Tyson Chandler
Brandon Roy
Rasheed Wallace
Ben Wallace
Gerald Wallace
Future Stars
Rudy Gay
Ben Gordon
Al Jefferson
David Lee
Jameer Nelson
Nate Robinson
Stephen Jackson
Jason Terry

Womens or Derrick Rose Status
Rudy Gay
Shawn Marion
Derrick Rose
Sean May
Matt Carroll
Tony Parker* See Parker Posey (that’s a thing, right?)

Stretch Two Names (Too good to exclude)
Kobe Bryant* *See Bryant ‘Big Country’ Reeves.
Baron Davis* See Davis Love III
Steve Nash* See Nash Bridges
Shaun Bradley Status (Two names, but no one cares)
Alexander, Joe
Allen, Tony
Anderson, Ryan
Andersen, Chris
Anthony, Joel
Arthur, Darrell
Barry, Brent
Blake, Steve
Carter, Anthony
Chandler, Wilson
Davis, Glen
Davis, Ricky
Dudley, Jared
George, Devean
Gibson, Daniel
Gill, Eddie
Gordon, Eric
Graham, Joey
Graham, Stephen
Gray, Aaron
Hamilton, Rip
Harrington, Al
Harris, Devin
Herrmann, Walter
Howard, Juwan
Hunter, Lindsey
Hunter, Othello
Hunter, Steven
Jackson, Bobby
Jackson, Darnell
James, Jerome
James, Mike
Jamison, Antawn
Lee, Courtney
Marshall, Donyell
Martin, Cartier
Martin, Kenyon
Mason, Desmond
Mason, Roger
Morris, Randolph
Murphy, Troy
Murray, Ronald
Parker, Anthony
Randolph, Anthony
Randolph, Shavlik
Randolph, Zach
Rose, Malik
Ross, Quinton
Solomon, Will
Taylor, Mike
Thomas, Etan
Thomas, Kenny
Thomas, Kurt
Thomas, Tim
Thomas, Tyrus
Vaughn, Jacque