Who can build the reputation of basketball in this country?
Who could be the Australian Barack Obama?
Someone who is not known for his love of Basketball, but could help grow the sport in this country?
Is it Hugh Jackman? Hamish and Andy?
Rove? Let’s hope not…
I’ve written about Zac Effron and how he made the sport cool for young kids.
Patty Mills could definitely be that person downunder, but he is a basketball guy, and the sport needs someone to 'go into bat' for it who isn't primarily known for the sport.
Who are the coolest, hippest Australians? Who can spread the word and is not your typical outlet for basketball exposure?
It probably isn’t Kevin Rudd. He doesn’t look like he’s been in shorts too often, judging by his glowing pins in this pic.

And John Howard never quite got it together. Illustrated in this immortal clip.
ESPN put together a great article highlighting their President and the way that other politicians and people in general are tuning their basketball skills to get in favour and perhaps a pick up game with the Prez.
Maybe we should just use Obama for ourselves... he is just so damn cool.
Check out his moves in this video.