Once again the NBL has kicked off in a more than quiet fashion. But, I assure you, it has begun. Although, any news or highlights don't seem to have filtered through to anywhere other than cyberspace. It doesn't even get news coverage on something like Sports Tonight, which will show any sporting tripe to fill it's program. Surely the NBL doesn't have to pay to be reported on? That would explain it I guess.
The common perception is that the NBL has decided to get through this season 08/09 as quickly, quietly and cheaply as possible, ready to shut it down and return as the NEW NBL in late 2009.
As I sat there, losing minutes off my life after inhaling the artifical Dragon Smoke that hovered over the court, like the ghosts of NBL past. I decided I better take in as much as I can of my surroundings, because who knows what the NBL may look like in the future? Phrases like "New NBL" make me nervous. You don't really know what you're going to get. But, at least we have people thinking about saving this sinking ship, and an independant report, which has just been released, which didn't mince words.
So here's what I can tell you about some of the characters from the Dragons v Wildcats match up on September 17th:
Ben Knight appears happy just to be "back in the NBL" so to speak after his journey on the Singpore Slingers rollercoaster.
Brad Robbins looks like he could be playing for the Auckland Warriors in the NRL, with the stocky, bearded, guard bouncing around fearlessly among the bigger guards.

Isiah (spelling) Victor could be any number of mediocore players in the NBL, but because he's american, he should be your import for the season? I don't think so.

Nick Horvath seems like a good guy, but looks pretty goofy,and a hell of a lot like Ryan Stiles from Drew Carey and "who's line is it anyway", but he doesn't excite me. You can see why he wasn't import material. You need someone more exciting than that. The Dragons learnt their lesson with Todd Fuller I suppose.

Alex Loughton has some crazy hair. I was trying to think of a way to describe it, but then came across this picture which said it all. Jackie Moon. Still I think he has a good future in the NBL, maybe he needs a headband?

Oh yeah, and the Dragons won.