Luke Schenscher, former NCAA and NBA player, who at 7"1' has joined his hometown Adelaide 36ers for the up coming season, is looking to join a growing list of prominent Aussie sports stars.

In what seems to be a growing trend, natural red heads are letting their hair down. They seem to be embracing the natural colour, not hiding from it like other sportsman have done in the past.

I watched a TV interview of Beijing Olympic Gold Medalist, Steve Hooker the other morning, and he was talking about how proud he was to be a Red Headed Sporting Champion, and how he was proud of himself and Cameron Ling, as now recognisable sporting success stories for red heads.

Surely you now have to add Luke Schenscher into that group, who are not just embracing it, but have it HUMMING!! He has taken the "Luc Longley" to a whole new level, and added in a pony tail for good measure.

Congrats to all red heads, it truly is a great time to be red!
Only time will tell if his influence on the looks of his fellow gingers carries over to new teammate at the 36ers, Adam Ballinger.
Lets hope so.

Matt McQuade, has done a great preview article on the 2008/09 Adelaide 36ers on nbl.com.au