Colorado, the Mile High city of the West. Famous for it's Rocky Mountains, beer, and South Park... and not to mention "a little place called, Aspen!" (For the Jim Carrey fans out there). Colorado is also home to one other note worthy star. Eltham Wildcat turned Metro State Roadrunners , Daniel Bass!
A Wildcat ever since he picked up the ball at the age of 13, Daniel's journey has now taken him into the heart of basketball crazy Denver, to a school, and basketball program that many current Australian stars have partaken!
Daniel Bass is one of three Aussies that take to the court for Metro State, a school that has in recent years been a gold mine for young Australian talent to hone their skills and take their game to the next level. Some names to come through the program in the past few years include Australian Boomers National team members, and Sydney Kings in the NBL, Luke Kendall & Mark Worthington, as well as Melbourne Tigers exciting new recruit Dave Barlow.
I tracked down Dave Barlow (earmarked by many as the next Australian to make the leap to the NBA), and here are some of the glowing comments he had for the place he called home for a year..." I spent a year at Metro State and in that year I probably improved the most I ever have. The schedule was tough, 4 am wake up, training twice a day and get home at 7pm. The basketball was great and my coach taught me a lot."
Below are Daniel's responses to my questions to him via email, regarding life, sport, the Wildcats and who is Eric Cartman’s father? (not really!)
How old were you when you first became involved with the Wildcats?
Who was your biggest basketball influence growing up? Why?
I didn't really have one. Maybe Andrew Gaze.
Biggest influence from the Wildcats?
Marcus and Wayne Pollock. Then later Peter Thompson (they were) great coaches.*Please note, I coached Daniel in Under 14's, and he was much taller than me by then, although I didn't have the impact on his game as the others, you could tell he would be great!*
Favourite Wildcats related memory?
Winning the Vic championship in U18 when I was bottom age. We beat Bulleen by 1 point.
Was college basketball always a dream? When did you know it could be a possibility?
Not always. I just realised I could continue playing basketball over there, as there’s not really anywhere to continue to, (in Australia) after U18s at a good level.
Have you encountered home sickness?
Home sickness sometimes, but I’m keep pretty busy with school and ball. And I’ve also made many new mates over here, so I’m in good company with other guys. Also have two other Aussies on my college team, so that helps.
How do you keep in touch with home and Australia in general?
I keep in touch back home over email and use iChat where I can talk over video chat.
How have you overcome/enjoyed the crowds/attention college basketball attracts?
Been good, our school has its followers, (but) it’s not as big as others. As our school is a ‘commuter college’ people don't live close by, so we struggle sometimes to get a good home crowd.
How do you handle training and doing school work?
We have study sessions every day which is organised by the coaches to make sure we are completing school work every day.
What are you studying outside of playbooks?
I’m studying for Mechanical Engineering Degree.
How did this particular school find you? (Any past Aussies that have been there?)
Through contacts in Australia as (Coach) Mike Dunlap, has Aussie connections as he coached the Adelaide 36ers here some years ago. Other Aussies that have been there are, Luke Kendal, David Barlow, Mark Worthington, Drew Williamson and present Aussies are, myself, Jesse Wagstaff and Hayden Smith.
What are your plans after College? Basketball wise and other?
I plan on completing my Degree, and hopefully continue basketball perhaps coming back home to play for an NBL side. Or some people I know have had the opportunities to go to Europe to play.
What is the best advice you were ever given regarding basketball and/or life?
You only get out what you put in.
Daniel also has earned more accolades during his young basketball career than there is space to include here, including Victorian and Australia Junior Teams. If you would like to learn more about the College that Daniel attends or the League he plays in, visit the team website, www.gometrostate.com , or if you would like to contact myself or Daniel regarding any of this information, write to;
Ryan Mobilia at