It's winter in Melbourne... and as I invariably do, I've been spending most mental energy throughout these winter months dreaming of an excuse for an escape to warmer climates and the type of fun that work just can't offer! I thought I had figured it out, and was already preparing the entire trip in my head until I found out that, unfortunatly this year the NBL Blitz will not be going ahead... (and just when I decided it was time to travel to it, no matter where it was and blog form there!) There goes that plan. I knew how much I loved my one and only "Blitz" experience, and to couple that with a trip to warmer surroundings seemed like the ideal getaway. But, alas my plans were shot down before they really took off.
For those of you unaware the NBL Blitz is the Pre season competition in the NBL, similar to the NAB Cup in AFL or Summer Leagues in the NBA. It is usaually held over a weekend with all teams attending, simultaneously playing shortened games, showing off new recruits and fine tuning game plans in a wonderfully fan friendly atmosphere! Held in Melbourne in 2004 (at MSAC), Cairns in 2005, and Coffs Harbour in 2006 (a non NBL city, but with not exactly the pull of the NBA's non tennanted city Las Vegas!) and not being held in 2007.

My first (and only) true exposure to the blitz was in MSAC, all players playing on courts that I as a junior had played on, a players (like imports of the time), Andrew Gaze walking around... It really was a sight to behold, with five or so NBL games being played across the floor, all accessable and visible, none with more than one row of spectator seating!
The NBA is concluding their version of the Blitz known as "NBA Summer League", although it is a bit different, as often players on the teams, don't end up playing for that side. It's more of a try out season, BEFORE the pre season. But it is in the more galmourous locations of Las Vegas and Orlando during their summer. (Not exactly where the NBL has held theres!) Everyone I hear from at the NBL is disapointed that it will not be going ahead, I asked NBL Communications Manager, Marc Howard, and then it was confirmed in the interview with www.nbl.com.au by Chuck Harmison.
Read the full interview at http://www.nbl.com.au/default.aspx?s=featuredisplay&aid=5179
Or just the section concerning the Blitz below:
"nbl.com.au: What’s happening with the pre-season tournament, the NBL Blitz for the 2007/08 season?
Chuck Harmison: Unfortunately that’s not going to happen this season. It became a fairly costly exercise, and we had to weigh that cost against the benefits.
Whilst I think it’s a really good exercise to bring all the players, coaches and referees together in one location, some of the teams found that the format of the games weren’t really beneficial to their pre-season preparation. We played shortened games, which were only two 12 minute halves, so they were pretty quick-fire matches and I think the coaches felt that they could get more mileage out of playing more full, 48 minute pre-season games around the country.
We therefore made the decision to drop it from our calendar this year, which to me is disappointing, but hopefully we can bring it back and perhaps in a different format in years to come. Maybe bring back full games so it’s more beneficial to the teams."
Chuck does make some valid points, and I understand that it could be a hassle to organise and finance. But I still think there is a place for it! Although right now the Singapore Slingers would struggle to compete, with there one contracted player (as multi talented as Ben Knight is...). But I think there is definitley room for the Blitz in some form and Cairns are holding some sort of practice against local squads which I think could be an idea.... Such as South Dragons vs ABA Allstars or something? Someone get Brad Noonan on the phone!!
I think it's a great way to generate interest. Show off the new imports (even if only sparingly) and Imagine a three team playoff tourney between, NZ, South Dragons and Melb, the Qld teams, NSW teams, Perth, Adelaide & Singapore Or an Allstar team of some sort!?

Just like the NBA fans wanted to see Oden and Durant, no matter how little. The excitement of NBL fans to see Jawai, Ingles and others go up against... veterans, even just to give us fans a taste!

Bill Simmons, acclaimed ESPN columnist was on hand for the US Summer League, and discussed many of the benefits of a Blitz type experience, that true Basketball Lovers remember from the NBL Blitz.
Essentially his point revolves around the fact that... A) It's Hoops galour (to attract fans) B) Great Location (to attract players, sponsors and fans!)
He also mentions something I discussed in my blog last month about Bill Russell making the H.O.F before Andrew Gaze, which sums up my argument in one paragraph, proving the difference between the two! It makes me very angry, but I vented enough at the time.
Simmons: "Wait, did I mention that I inadvertently sat one row behind the new Sonics owners and their guest, the great Bill Russell?! You haven't really lived until you've seen Russ crush the hopes of every young autograph seeker from three feet away. He was swatting them away as if swatting hook shots from Rudy LaRusso and Walt Bellamy. Remember, kids, Bill Russell doesn't sign autographs; it's against his principles. Well, unless you give him lots of money up front."
I have little doubt that with the correct marketing, this could draw more crowds and revenue than any type of Boomers, NZ series (particularly this year.)*
I'm extremely disapointed with the marketing of the 3 game series between the Boomers and TallBlacks...
Hell, I love all things basketball, and am hardly excited about it! What with the wonderful ad campaign on the BA and NBL site showing Jason Smith taking a foul shot, and cutting to a kangaroo and Kiwi cartoon picture... I think I could have designed a more impressive design with pencil and paper!

Anywho... I think an exciting new concept, with crowds, would bring money, (Much like the thrill of the AFL preseason tourney. Everyone knows some "big names" will be missing, but it's a chance to get people excited!
I don't think the NBL has quite got this right yet?